Invisalign Austin Is A Great Way To Get Beautiful Straight Teeth

By Jerry Brooks

People yearning for beautifully straight teeth should try invisible braces. Invisalign austin is a brace that is nearly invisible which makes it very appealing to use. For this treatment, a dentist in Austin, TX can make and fit clear aligners made from strong plastic to comfortably move teeth.

Each aligner is slightly different and is worn for two weeks before being discarded for the next aligner in the series. One of the things that makes this system so easy to use is the fact that the aligners are fully removable. You simply take them out whenever you wish to eat or drink and they can be taken out for brushing and flossing.

Wearing removable aligners does mean there is no need to avoid hard or chewy foods during treatment. These foods could easily damage fixed brackets and wires. Fixed braces can be tricky to clean around, often requiring additional time and special tools. There is no need to use any special tools with Invisalign as teeth can be brushed and flossed as always.

This ease of use does mean it is very simple for patients to maintain good oral health while wearing their removable aligners. For patients wearing fixed braces, there was always an increased chance of developing gum disease or tooth decay unless they maintain meticulously clean teeth right throughout treatment. One thing to bear in mind about removable aligners is that they must be worn for at least 22 hours everyday for treatment to be completed on time.

This system is pretty versatile and is able to correct quite a large range of orthodontic issues. People with overcrowded or significantly crooked teeth will benefit from treatment, as will those with teeth that are protrusive. Invisalign is also able to correct problems with the way teeth bite together. Treatment is typically completed within a year but some people may require more or less time.

Some people with only mild orthodontic problems will be able to complete treatment much more quickly, while more complicated problems will take slightly longer. This particular braces company also produces a cosmetic brace, aimed at treating problems only affecting the front teeth.

This type of brace can be very useful for anyone who only has problems affecting their front teeth and who does not need major treatment. With a cosmetic brace, it is sometimes possible to complete treatment within a few months. This does mean treatment is more cost-effective due to the reduced number of aligners required. Invisalign can be good for adults but some teenagers may also benefit from this system.

The main appeal for teenagers will be the nearly invisible aligners. It is important for teens to understand the need to use the aligners as directed by their dentist in Austin, Tx. The system for teens also includes some free replacement aligners for teenagers who are prone to mislaying things.

Invisalign is not the right system for everyone. Anyone considering this system will need to have a full dental examination to make sure this particular brace can correct the problems affecting their teeth. One nice thing about this brace is the use of computerised software that produces virtual images showing how teeth will move and which can be viewed by patients before treatment starts.

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