Vital Things To Know About HCG Allowed Food

By Angela Turner

The HCG diet is currently taking the world by storm. At first glance, this seems like a very rigorous program and one that takes an incredible amount of willpower. In reality, however, there is a lot of HCG allowed food that dieters can munch on, even as they continue to drop incredible amounts of weight. It is important to note, however, that planning is actually very important to this process. Following is everything you need to know before getting started with this popular fat loss plan.

Dieters are able to succeed on this regimen due to the fact that they are receiving regular injections of a special, pregnancy hormone that actually curbs their appetites and expedites their metabolic functioning. As such, they are able to eat a lot less and burn more fats and calories throughout the day. This is why there is very little willpower needed. The injections will keep you from suffering intense hunger pangs even as you drastically cut your food portions.

On specific and incredibly stringent days, dieters are required to consume just 500 calories within a 24-hour period of time. This is far less than what people are generally advised to consume. Even when dieters go on very stringent eating plans, they are typically advised to eat no fewer than 1,200 calories overall.

The poses an very obvious issue given that it is very hard to get sufficient nutrients when consuming such small quantities. This is all the more true of protein. A lot of foods that are sufficiently high in protein are also very high in fat. Should you choose to eat these things to get sufficient protein, you will have to exceed 500 calories.

This is what makes it so essential to carefully plan your meals. On days when calories are heavily restricted, it is vital to carefully choose your meals. This will make it possible to follow the restrictive calorie guidelines without actually depriving yourself of essential nutrients.

Protein is huge concern when implementing diets like this one. This is because insufficient amounts of protein can lead to a problem known as muscle wasting. When this occurs, the body will start turning to its own muscles for energy, thereby decreasing the amount of lean muscle mass that dieters possess.

To avoid this issue, you should consider the way in which strict vegans eat. They do not consume animal products of any type and they are still able to obtain sufficient protein. Moreover many of these individuals are able to do so without having to pay for and use costly supplements.

One very easy way to mimic this successful practice is by consuming large quantities of leafy greens. Green vegetables possess a rich array of minerals, vitamins, phytonutrients and health-supporting antioxidants. They are also amazing sources of protein that remain low in fat and calories. You should know, however that all proteins that are plant-based are incomplete, and thus, you must be able to strategically pair them to compensate for this known deficiency.

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