Some Examples Of A Career Anchor

By Robert Johnson

These are set values and perceptions of work that are unique to different people. This brings the variation among individuals when work orientation is concerned. This is because these values and priorities govern the perception that individuals have towards their careers. Wrong occupation choices have made many people frustrated and dissatisfied throughout their lives. Therefore, being aware of your attitude towards work will help you make the right decision regarding the occupation. The below article illustrates a Career anchor.

Autonomy or independence. People who lie in this category use their own rules and procedures to work. They want to remain independent from other people as much as possible, and hence they will work using their own pace, time and format. They are comfortable when they work alone. These kinds of people prefer being self-reliant, free and independent, and therefore they will give up promotion and transfers to achieve such. They can leave jobs to start their own when there is a lack of varied work and fixed working hours. They include people such as teachers.

Technical or functional competence. People around this category are quite knowledgeable, and they prefer taking jobs that involve system analyses and engineering. Their motivation lies in the production of highly effective work in the field of their specialization. Their self-concept is determined by the ability to succeed and get recognized in their specialty. They actively identify themselves with their specialty. Doing their jobs better than others while using their skills is the primary way to meet the challenges they face. They like being challenged.

Security or stability. These are the people who prefer to work in environments which offer security and stability rather than those that offer riskier and challenging conditions. The primary determining factor for the ability of these people to live their life is an excellent stability and continuity.

Competence in management. The primary motivation for individuals around this group is to rise in the corporate ladder and obtain the highest responsibilities. Their main aim is management and topmost positions. They have three areas of skills that is emotional, interpersonal and analytical. They use them to manage their jobs. Emotional competence is the ability to deal with emotional problems while the analytical skills help them provide solutions to challenging situations.

The entrepreneurial types. These persons prefer being active in working for themselves. So, they will seldom work for others for an extended period of time. Their main characteristic of success is wealth. Without looking at the technology and the intellectual discipline, the primary aim of the entrepreneurial kinds is to produce services and products that are both marketable and profitable. They are highly creative and like taking up challenging assignments. They have a strong inner urge to open their enterprises.

Lifestyle anchor. These persons always want their whole lifestyle to define their concept in life. How they perceive their lifestyle determines the career they will choose. Apart from work, they believe that life should be comprised of different personal interests such as hobbies, family and many others. Their occupations are also composed of leisure and recreational activities.

Service and dedication to a cause. They live working for others. Their motivation is in the dedication of their work around living to serve others. They include nurses, therapists and others who work in supportive occupations. Money does not motivate them.

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